



发布时间:2015-06-05 作者: 浏览量:

邱成军:1965年3月生人,博士、教授,人爽人男人的天堂少妇喷潮固体电子学与微电子学博士生导师,1993年7月获得人爽人男人的天堂少妇喷潮硕士学位,2005年10月获得哈尔滨工程大学博士学位,黑龙江省重点学科微电子学与固体电子学后备带头人。现任人爽人男人的天堂少妇喷潮校级重点实验室--集成电路设计与系统实验室主任,电子工程学院集成电路设计与集成系统专业负责人,电子科学与技术专业党支部书记。获省科技进步奖1项, 获哈尔滨市第十届青年科技奖1项。主持省级以上课题5项,承担了国家自然基金课题2项,973子课题2项,863课题2项。申请中国发明专利3项,近五年发表论文50余篇,主编教材2部。
  2005年11月—2009年12月, 北京理工大学材料科学与工程流动工作站。

代表性着作:主编《材料物理性能》 “十一五”国家级规划教材, 哈尔滨工业大学出版社,2009 .1
    主编《微电子技术专业英语》哈尔滨工业大学出版社,2007 .5
1. An MEMS Optical Fiber Pressure Sensor Based on a square silicon diaphragm numerical simulation and experimental verification. International Journal of nonlinear sciences and numerical simulation. Vol.11,No.3, 2010.3,pp: 226-229
  2. Research on personal counting system based on wireless data transmission authors, 2010 International Conference on Industrial and information system., Vol.2, July, 2010, pp: 461-463
  3. Study on current transform features of single-molecule C60 based on band theory. International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing Processes) Vol.148-149, November, 2010.pp: 837-841
  4. The Design of Stepper Motor Subdivision Driver Based on FPGA. Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Information Technology Application. Vol.II, November 2010, pp: 409-412.
  5. The design of electric power control system for oil-pumping unit based on energy metering ADE7758. International Conference on Information Engineering and Computer Science. December, 2009, pp: 3726-3729.
  6. Research on piezoelectricity materials films of MEMS surface acoustic wave gas sensor. International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Engineering, v 7439 July, 2009 pp:74935c1-6
  7. Characteristic of TiNi(Cu) shape memory thin film based on micropump. International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Engineering, v 7439, July, 2009 pp:74936x 1-6.
  8. Nitrogen dioxide sensing properties and mechanism of nickel phthalocyanine film, International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Engineering, v 7439, July, 2009 pp: 1-6.749366-1-6.
  9. Nitrogen Dioxide Sensing Properties and Mexhanism of Copper Phthalocyanine Film, CHIN. PHY.LETT. v 25, 2008.10 pp:3590-3592
  10. Research on the Magnetic Control Circuit System for the oil well Directional Drilling Measurement, International Symposium on Test and Measurement, v 5, July 2009, pp: 2631-2634.
11. Development of People-counting System Using Time-difference Method, International Symposium on Test and Measurement, v 5, July 2009, pp: 2631-2634.
12. The Research on the parameters measurement method of piezoelectric thick film used to SAW Gas Sensor based on MEMS technology, International Symposium on Test and Measurement, v 5, July 2009, pp: 1878-1881.
13. Stationary Fluid Dynamic Behaviour of V-Shaped Diffuser/Nozzle Elements for Valveless Micropump, CHIN. PHY.LETT. v 25, n 4, 2008.10, pp:1359-1361
14. Fabrication of Piezoelectric cantilever beam based on nanostructure PZT film, Key Engineering Materials, v368, 2008.03, pp:223-225
15. Preparation and characterization of PZT thick film for piezoelectric cantilever beam by sol-gel,Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, v 39, n 9, September, 2007, p 1499-1502
  16 Intelligently Simplify Multi-variable Logical Function Problem by Computer, Fourth International Conference on Information Technology & Applications, 2007,1,pp:151-155
  17. Research of Micropump With PZT Prepared by Sol-Gel,International Symposium Function Material 2007,5,pp:10
  18. Design and Simulation of MEMS Silicon Micro-cantilever, International Conference on Smart Materials Nanotechnology 2007,6, pp:71
  19. Fuzzy PID Control System of the Oil Well Washing Mechanism, International Symposium Test Measurement 2007, 8, pp:5480-5483
  20. Fabrication of Piezoelectrically Driven Micropump with Sol-Gel PZT Films,Journal of Materials Science & Engineering Vol.25, No.6, 2007 (12)
  21. Research of Micropump With PZT Prepared by Sol-Gel,Journal of Materials Engineering, 2007,8, n 3, pp:52-54+59
  22. Characterization of a micropump actuated by ternary TiNiCu shape memory thin films, Proceedings of the International Conference on Integration and Commercialization of Micro and Nanosystems, 2007, 8, n 8, pp: 24-27
  23. Fabrication and Nitrogen Dioxide Sensing Characteristics of PbPc Thin Film Gas Sensor,IEEE International Conference on Information Acquisition, 2006.12,pp:1316-1320
  24. A valve-less PZT micropump with isosceles triangle cross-section diffuser elements, IEEE Review on Advances in Micro, Nano, and Molecular Systems, 2006.1, pp:200-203,
  25. A Novel Design and Fabrication of V Type Valve Microactuator with PZT Prepared by Sol-Gel, IEEE Review on Advances in Micro, Nano, and Molecular Systems, 2006.1, pp:866-869
  26. Antibacterial Properties of Nanometer Fe3+-TiO2 Thin Films, IEEE Review on Advances in Micro, Nano, and Molecular Systems, 2006.1, pp: 957-960
  27. Characterization and MEMS application of low temperature TiNi(Cu) shape memory thin films, Materials Science & Engineering, 2006,11,Vol.438-440, pp: 1106-1109,
  28. A TiNiCu thin film micropump made by magnetron co-sputtered method, Materials Transactions, 2006.3,v47, pp:532-535
  29. Catalyst-free synthesis, growth mechanism and optical properties of multipod ZnO with nanonail-like legs, Scripta Materialia, 2006.6,
  30. Study on synthesis of PZT nano-crystalline powders by the modified sol-gel method and the crystalline transition process, Chinese High Technology Letters, 2006,11, v 16, n 11, pp:1154-1158
  31. Zhang Deqing, Study of nano-PZT thick film for MEMS application,Chinese High Technology Letters,2006,.6, v16, pp; 606-609,
  32. Synthesis of PZT nano-crystalline powder by sol-gel method and structure characterization, Journal of Materials Engineering, 2006,3, n 3, pp:52-54+59
  33. Study on photocatalytic properties of Ag-doped TiO2 thin film by AC magnetic control sputtering method, Journal of Materials Engineering, n10,2005,10, pp:35-37+46,
  34. Inductance measurement and control circuit at high temperature,Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument, 2005,8,v 26 ,n SUPPL., p 401-402,
  35. Study of oxygen sensor with MEMS structure , Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators, 2005,9,v 18, pp: 531-533,
  36. The directional drilling measurement system for the magnetic field control, Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators, 2004,4,v 17, n 4, pp: 569-571,
  37. Matching design and mismatching analysis towards radar absorbing coatings based on conducting plate, Materials and Design, 2003.8, v24, pp:391-396
  38. Design of functionally graded materials towards RAM and their microwave reflectivity, Materials Science Forum, 2003.8,v423-425, pp 427-430
  39. Study of dynamic fracture toughness towards structural radar absorbing laminates, Chinese Journal of Materials Research,,2003.8(4),Vol.17,365-369,
  40. Approach of antielectrostatic results of carbon nanotubes in polymer fiber, High Technology Letters,2002,12,v 12, n 12, p 39, Vol.23:59-62,
  1. 基于MEMS技术的强韧化型ZnOW/PZT水听器集成研究,国家863计划,2007AA032103
  2. 典型电介质材料高温电性能演变规律实验研究, 国防973子项目专题, 51318030302
  3. 先进吸透波材料高温电磁特性及计算机仿真分析技术研究, 国防科工委“十一五”基础科研计划项目,A2220061080
  4. 纳米硅/单晶硅异质结的SOI MAG-MOSFET压磁电效应研究, 国家自然科学基金项目, 60676044
  5. 复合NiCu/Si薄膜材料制备及在微泵的应用研究,黑龙江省科技计划(攻关),GC06A215
  7. 声表面波气体传感器的研制及特性研究,哈尔滨市科技新人才优秀学科带头人研究专项资金,2006RFXXG038
  1. 用MEMS技术制造谐振式气体传感器及其特性研究, 教育部科学技术重点研究项目, 204047
  2. PZT驱动V型微阀微泵的研制, 国家中小型公司创新基金, 06C26212300166
  3. 纳米结构压电陶瓷复合材料及压电微驱动器应用研究, 黑龙江省科技计划(攻关)项目, GB02A302
  4. 用MEMS技术制造硅磁敏三极管模型与特性研究, 国家自然科学基金项目, 60076027
  5. 纳米结构压电材料及其水听器研究, 海军武器装备预先研究项目, 401050301
  6. 自适应式PWM模块化消谐逆变器, 国家发改委/世界银行/全球环境基金 可再生能源发展技术项目, CG-2003-010
  7. 二氧化钛薄膜材料的光催化应用基础研究, 黑龙江省教育厅基金项目, 10531129
    8. 酞菁铅薄膜气体传感器研制及其特性研究, 中国博士后科学基金, 20060390401
    9. PZT驱动V型阀微泵的研制, 黑龙江省青年科学技术专项资金, QC05C12
    10. SMA驱动的无阀型微泵的研制, 人爽人男人的天堂少妇喷潮杰出青年基金, JC200504
  1. 化学气相法合成系列纳米粒子的理论及其应用基础研究, 黑龙江省科学技术三等奖, 2001-058-03
  2. 哈尔滨市第十届青年科技奖,哈尔滨市政府,2010.7
  3. 数字电路综合性设计性实验教学的研究与实践,黑龙江高等教育学会优秀高等教育科学研究成果二等奖,2008.7
  4. 高温电感测控电路的研制, 第三届全国信息获取与处理学术会议优秀论文三等奖, 2005.8.7
  5. 油田洗井自控装置与过程控制研究, 第四届全国信息获取与处理学术会议优秀论文二等奖, 2006.8.7
    6. 酞菁铅薄膜气体传感器的研制及其特性研究, 第四届全国信息获取与处理学术会议优秀论文二等奖, 2006.8.7
    7. 传感器智能控制的系列应用研究, 人爽人男人的天堂少妇喷潮优秀科研成果三等奖,2006,9
  1. 微电子机械的V型微阀及制作方法,中国发明专利,ZL200510009622.1
  2. 采用多层驱动膜结构的微驱动器及其制作方法,中国发明专利,200410013779.7
  3. 微悬臂梁谐振式酞菁锌薄膜气体传感器及其制备方法,中国发明专利,200510010248.7
    4. 基于嵌入式系统人员计数统计的方法和设备,中国发明专利,200910071975.2