



发布时间:2015-06-15 作者: 浏览量:


孙志忠 , 男,1963年生,人爽人男人的天堂少妇喷潮化学化工与材料学院教授,博士生导师。1986年毕业于人爽人男人的天堂少妇喷潮化学系获得理学学士学位,1989年毕业于人爽人男人的天堂少妇喷潮有机化学专业获得理学硕士学位,2001年至2006年在哈尔滨工业大学市政工程专业攻读博士学位并获得工学博士学位。19896月到现在,在人爽人男人的天堂少妇喷潮化学化工与材料学院应用化学系从事教学与科研工作。2002年晋升为教授。现任人爽人男人的天堂少妇喷潮化学化工与材料学院应用化学系主任,黑龙江省普通高等学校高效转化的化工过程与技术重点实验室副主任。




1.       Limin Ren,Wenyi chu*,Dinghui Guan, Yanjun Hou,Man Wang, Xiaobin Yuan,Zhizhong Sun*, Chemoselective one-pot synthe- sis of terphenyl derivatives by sequential directed C―H func- tionalization–Suzuki coupling ,Appl. Organometal. Chem. 2014, 28, 673– 677  

2.       Wenyi Chu, Hongyu Li ,Dinghui Guan, Shuxu Yang ,Minxin Yang,Yanjun Hou, Zhizhong,Sun*, Novel luminescent materials based on linear-shaped polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ,Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials– RAPID COM- MUNICATIONS, 20145-6368-373

3.       Jing Shi, Yanjun Hou,* Wenyi Chu, Xiaohong Shi, Huiquan Gu, Bilin Wang, and Zhizhong Sun*Crystal Structure and Highly Luminescent Properties Studies of Bis-β-diketonate Lanthanide ComplexeInorg. Chem. 2013, 52, 5013?5022  

4.       Yanjun Hou, Jing Shi, Wenyi Chu, Zhizhong Sun*Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Near-IR Luminescent  Properties of Lanthanide Bis(β-diketonate) ComplexesEur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2013, 3063–3069

5.       Chu, Wenyi; Li, Xinmin; Hou, Yanjun; Wang, Hua; Li, Hongyu; Yuan, Xiaobin; Sun, Zhizhong*18-Crown-6 promoting Pd/C-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction of aryl bromides and arylboronic acids in aqueous mediaVolume 26, Number 9, 1 September 2012 , pp. 478-482(5)

6.       Oxidation products and pathway of ceramic honeycomb-catalyzedozonation for the degradation of nitrobenzene in aqueous solutionApplied Catalysis B vol79 244-253 2008  

7.       Lei zhao zhizhong sun jun maEnhancement mechanism of heterogeneous catalytic ozonation by cordierite-supported copper for the degradation of nitrobenzene in aqueous solution. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2009;43(6):2047-53

8.       Lei zhao zhizhong sun jun maNovel relationship between hydroxyl radical initiation and surface group of ceramic honeycomb supported metals for the catalytic ozonation of nitrobenzene in aqueous solution. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2009;43(11):4157-63

9.       Lei zhao zhizhong sun jun ma huiling liu,Mechanism of heterogeneous catalytic ozonation of nitrobenzene in aqueous solution with modified ceramic honeycombApplied Catalysis B: Environmental  2009,89,326-334

10.   Lei zhao zhizhong sun jun ma huiling liu, Journal of hazardous materials 2009;167(1-3):1119-25.

11.   Lei zhao zhizhong sun jun ma Xuedong zhai, Journal of hazardous materials2009;161(2-3):988-94

12.   Lei zhao jun ma zhizhong sunMechanism of Influence of Initial pH on the Degradation of Nitrobenzene in Aqueous Solution by Ceramic Honeycomb Catalytic OzonationEnviron. Sci. Technol. 2008, 42, 4002–4007    

13.   Lei zhao jun ma zhizhong sun Catalytic ozonation for the degradation of nitrobenzene in aqueous solution by ceramic honeycomb supported manganese Applied Catalysis B vol83 256-264 2008  


1.  无配体钯绿色高效催化合成联苯类化合物的研究(编号41400285-8-12105省自然科学基金面上项目2013.1-2015.12  

2.  千斤除草剂的研制编号CB07G102)省公关2008.1-2009.12  

3.  原苏木素A及衍生物的化学全合成与抗肿瘤活性研究(编号RC2012XK001005哈市科技创新人才研究专项资金项目2012.1-2014.12  

4.  2,4-D异辛酯,2,4-D酸和莎稗磷绿色合成工艺开法,校企合作, 2013,3-2015,12

5.  南德士合成工艺开发,校企合作,2010.7-2011.12


1.       侯艳君王碧琳孙志忠初文毅,一种应用双酚铜盐催化合成二苯胺衍生物,CN103342621B

2.       初文毅孙志忠李新民李红玉袁小斌,采用钯/碳与冠醚复合催化合成联苯类化合物的方法CN102731370B

3.       初文毅孙志忠王曼李新民任立敏离子液体的制备方法及应用离子液体钯碳催化合成联苯类化合物的方法CN102329199B


1.       孙志忠侯艳君初文毅,新编半微量有机化学实验,黑龙江科技出版社2012

2.       孙志忠初文毅,精细有机化学品合成与分析实验技术(上)哈尔滨地图出版社 2011