



发布时间:2024-01-03 作者: 浏览量:

谢颖,男,1979年生,工学博士,人爽人男人的天堂少妇喷潮化学化工与材料学院教授,物理化学学科负责人,博士研究生导师。目前为功能无机材料化学教育部重点实验室成员以及“能源高效转化的材料化学”头雁创新研究团队的业务骨干,2018年获得龙江学者计划:青年学者项目支持。主要从事无机晶态材料的结构和性质的理论预测及能源存储和转化材料的可控合成及其电化学性能等方面的研究工作,以第一作者/通讯作者的身份在JournaloftheAmericanChemicalSociety、Energy & Environmental Science、Advanced Functional Materials、Nano Energy、Energy Storage Materials、Chemistry of Materials、Science Bulletin、Science China Materials、Journal of Energy Chemistry和Green Energy & Environment等国内外重要学术期刊上发表论文100余篇,他引4900余次,H因子39。上述论文中共有10篇论文入选ESI高被引用论文,4篇论文入选ESI热点论文,2017年入选英国皇家化学会“Top 1%高被引中国作者”榜单,2022年进入“全球顶尖前10万科学家”榜单。到目前为止共主持包括国家自然科学基金和黑龙江省自然科学基金在内的国家级/省部级项目10余项,目前已出版专著二部,其中合著的《锂离子电池电极材料》一书入选“十三五”国家重点出版物出版规划项目,获2020年度化学工业出版社优秀图书奖。获得黑龙江省科学技术奖自然科学奖一等奖和三等奖各1项、黑龙江省教学成果奖二等奖一项。






2015年10月至2016年10月,法国蒙彼利埃第二大学(Université Montpellier 2, FR)、访问教授










1.Shuming Dong, Yushan Dong, Zhiyu Zhao, Jing Liu, Shikai Liu, Lili Feng, Fei He, Shili Gai,*Ying Xie,*and Piaoping Yang*,“Electron Transport Chain Interference” Strategy of Amplified Mild-Photothermal Therapy and Defect-Engineered Multi-Enzymatic Activities for Synergistic Tumor-Personalized Suppression, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 9488?9507

2.Xinhui Zhang , Aiping Wu *, Dongxu Wang , Yanqing Jiao , Haijing Yan , Chengxu Jin ,Ying Xie *, Chungui Tian *, Fine-tune the electronic structure in Co-Mo based catalysts to give easily coupled HER and OER catalysts for effective water splitting, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 328 (2023) 122474

3.Hui Chang, Ya-Fei Guo, Xu Liu, Peng-Fei Wang,Ying Xie*, Ting-Feng Yi*, Dual MOF-derived Fe/N/P-tridoped carbon nanotube as high-performance oxygen reduction catalysts for zinc-air batteries, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 327 (2023) 122469

4.Tao Zhang, Chunmei Lv, Xiuwen Wang*, Song Wang,Ying Xie*, Miao Yu, Chuang Sun, Kai Pan*, Surface active-site engineering in NiCoSe2/nitrogen-doped carbon dodecahedrons for efficient triiodide reduction in photovoltaics, Applied Surface Science 610 (2023) 155483

5.Guiting Wang, Jiahui Fana,Ying Xie*, Menghan Yu, Kun Li, Xu Guo, Jingfeng Wu, Keying Shi *, Kai Pan*, Monodisperse Y-type CoO hierarchical nanostructure/reduced graphene oxide for improved NO2 detection at room temperature with enhanced moisture resistance, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 394 (2023) 134391

6.Chunmei Lv, Tao Zhang, Xiuwen Wang*, Hong Pan, Zhiyu Xie, Hong Lu, Kai Pan* andYing Xie*, Enhancement of the triiodide reduction reaction by doping molybdenum in NiSe hierarchical microspheres: a theoretical and experimental study, Inorg. Chem. Front., 2023, 10, 460

7.Ya-Fei Guo, Ying Li, Yu-Hao Chen, Peng-Fei Wang,Ying Xie*, Ting-Feng Yi*, Rational design of one-dimensional cobalt-related oxygen electrocatalysts toward high-performance zinc-air batteries, Coordination Chemistry Reviews 495 (2023) 215383

8.Xiaofeng Lai, Song Wang,Ying Xie,*Binghang Liu, Jianhui Sun, Yuxin Li, Haitao Yu,* and Kai Pan*, Recycling and Recovery of Deactivated CsPbBr3 Perovskite after Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction Reaction, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 15, 33712?33720

9.Nan Zhang, Junru Wang, Xu Liu, Peng-Fei Wang, Yan-Guo Liu,Ying Xie*, Ting-Feng Yi*, Towards high-performance aqueous Zn–MnO2 batteries: Formation mechanism and alleviation strategies of irreversible inert phases, Composites Part B 260 (2023) 110770

10.Ming-Ming Liu, Hai-Tao Yu, Lang Yuan* , Ting-Feng Yi* , Fei He,Ying Xie*, Hierarchical Zn3V2O8 microspheres interconnected via conductive carbon nanotubes as promising anode materials for lithium-ion battery applications, Rare Metals, 42, 2601–2611 (2023)

11.Xu Zhang,Ying Xie*, and Lei Wang*, Progress and prospect of Pt-based catalysts for electrocatalytic hydrogen oxidation reactions, Nano Research, 2023, 10.1007/s12274-023-5987-1

12.Ting-Ting Wei, Panpan Peng, Yu-Rui Ji, Yan-Rong Zhu, Ting-Feng Yi*,Ying Xie*, Rational construction and decoration of Li5Cr7Ti6O25@C nanofibers as stable lithium storage materials, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2022, 71, 400-410

13.Hong-Li Ding, Hai-Tao Yu, Xiao-dong Wang*, Chen-Feng Guo, Bing Zheng,Ying Xie*, Ting-Feng Yi*, Improving the stability, lithium diffusion dynamics, and specific capacity of SrLi2Ti6O14 via ZrO2 coating, Green Energy & Environment, 2022, 7, 53-65.

14.Xing Cheng,FanminRan, Yanfei Huang, Runtian Zheng, Haoxiang Yu, Jie Shu,*Ying Xie,*and Yan-Bing He*, Insight into the Synergistic Effect of N, S Co-Doping for Carbon Coating Layer on Niobium Oxide Anodes with Ultra-Long Life, Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 31, 2100311

15.MaotingXia, Xikun Zhang, Haoxiang Yu, Zhengwei Yang, Shi Chen, Liyuan Zhang, Miao Shui,Ying Xie*,Jie Shu*, Hydrogen bond chemistry in Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3 host for aqueous NH4+ batteries, Chemical Engineering Journal 421 (2021) 127759

16.Tingting Liu,NaPeng, Xikun Zhang, Runtian Zheng, Maoting Xia, Haoxiang Yu,Miao Shui,Ying Xie*, Jie Shu**,Controllable defect engineering enhanced bond strength for stable electrochemical energy storage, Nano Energy 79 (2021) 105460

17.Y.R. Zhu, X.Z. Li, X.Q. Lai,Ying Xie*, Y.M. Li*, T.F. Yi*, Construction of porous NiCo2S4@CeO2 microspheres composites for high-performance pseudocapacitor electrode by morphology reshaping, Materials Today Chemistry 20 (2021) 100448

18.Lu Li, Hai-Tao Yu, Ming-Xia Li*,Ying Xie*, Modulating the bonding properties of Li2MoO3 via non-equivalent cationic doping to enhance its stability and electrochemical performance for lithium-ion battery application, Ceramics International 47 (2021) 18304–18313

19.Ying Li, Ting-Feng Yi*, Xuezhong Li, Xueqi Lai, Jingjing Pan, Ping Cui*, Yan-Rong Zhu,Ying Xie*, Li2ZnTi3O8@α-Fe2O3 composite anode material for Li-ion batteries, Ceramics International, 47 (2021) 18732–18742

20.Yu Zhang, Congcong Xing, Yu Liu*, Mengyao Li, Ke Xiao, Pablo Guardia, Seungho Lee, Xu Han, Ahmad Ostovari Moghaddam, Joan Josep Roa, Jordi Arbiol, Maria Ibanez, Kai Pan, Mirko Prato,Ying Xie*, Andreu Cabot*, Influence of copper telluride nanodomains on the transport properties of n-type bismuth telluride, Chemical Engineering Journal 418 (2021) 129374

21.Li-yan Liu, Hai-Tao Yu, Xiao-Dong Wang?, Chen-Feng Guo, Bing Zheng,Ying Xie?,Ting-Feng Yi?, Al2O3 coating on BaLi2Ti6O14 surface to boost its stability and rate performance, Ceramics International 46 (2020) 14398–14407

22.Cheng Xing, Liu Tingting, Yu Haoxiang, Ran Fanmin, Ye Wuquan, Zhu Haojie, Shui Miao,Xie, Ying*, Shu Jie*, Polymorphism-Controlled Electrochemical Energy Storage Performance of LiNbWO6, Chemistry of Materails, 2020, 32: 3376-3384.

23.Yi Ting-Feng*, Li Ying, Fang Zikui, Cui Ping, Luo Shaohua,Xie Ying*, Improving the cycling stability and rate capability of LiMn0.5Fe0.5PO4/C nanorod as cathode materials by LiAlO2 modification, Jounral of Materiomics, 2020, 6: 33-34.

24.Tingting Liu, Xikun Zhang, Maoting Xia, Haoxiang Yu, Na Peng, Cheng Jiang, Miao Shui,Ying Xie*,Tingfeng Yi*, Jie Shu*, Functional cation defects engineering in TiS2 for high-stability anode, Nano Energy, 67 (2020) 104295

25.Ting-Feng Yi*, Li-Ying Qiu, Jie Mei, Si-Yu Qi, Ping Cui, Shaohua Luo, Yan-Rong Zhu,Ying Xie*and Yan-Bing He*, Porous spherical NiO@NiMoO4@PPy nanoarchitectures as advanced electrochemical pseudocapacitor materials, Science Bulletin 65 (2020) 546–556

26.Liu Haiping*, Liang Gemeng, Gao Chao, Bi Sifu,Chen Qiang,Xie Ying*, Fan Shanshan,Cao Lixin, Pang Wei Kong*, Guo Zaiping*, Insight into the improved cycling stability of sphere-nanorod-like micro-nanostructured high voltage spinel cathode for lithium-ion batteries, Nano Energy, 2019, 66: 104100.

27.Na Peng, Xing Cheng, Hao-xiang Yu, Hao-jie Zhu, Ting-ting Liu, Run-tian Zheng, Miao Shui,Ying Xie*, Jie Shu*, LiY(MoO4)2nanotubes: Novel zero-strain anode for electrochemical energy storage, Energy Storage Materials, 21 (2019) 297–307

28.Ting-Feng Yi*, Pan-Pan Peng, Zi-Kui Fang, Yan-rong Zhu,Ying Xie*, Shaohua Luo*, Carbon-coated LiMn1-xFexPO4 (0≤x≤0.5) nanocomposites as high-performance cathode materials for Li-ion battery, Composites Part B, 2019, 175, 107067.

29.Yanmei Li, Jingjing Pan, Jinzhu Wu, Tingfeng Yi?,Ying Xie?, Mesoporous NiCo2O4nanoneedles@MnO2nanoparticles grown on nickel foam for electrode used in high-performance supercapacitors, Journal of Energy Chemistry 31 (2019) 167–177

30.Xiao-Tian Gao#,Ying Xie#, Xiao-Dong Zhu,* Ke-Ning Sun, Xu-Ming Xie, Yi-Tao Liu,* Jian-Yong Yu, and Bin Ding, Ultrathin MXene Nanosheets Decorated with TiO2 Quantum Dots as an Efficient Sulfur Host toward Fast and Stable Li-S Batteries, Small, 2018, 1802443

31.Ting-Feng Yia?, Yan-Rong Zhu, Wei Tao, Shaohua Luo?,Ying Xie?, Xi-Fei Li, Recent advances in the research of MLi2Ti6O14 (M=2Na, Sr, Ba, Pb) anode materials for Li-ion batteries, Journal of Power Sources 399 (2018) 26–41.

32.Hao-xiang Yu, Xing Cheng, Hao-jie Zhu, Run-tian Zheng, Ting-ting Liu, Jun-dong Zhang, Miao Shui,Ying Xie*, Jie Shu*, Deep insights into kinetics and structural evolution of nitrogen-doped carbon coated TiNb24O62 nanowires as high-performance lithium container, Nano Energy, 2018,54: 227–237.

33.Ying Xie,Matthieu Saubanere, Marie-Liesse Doublet*,Requirements for reversible extra-capacity in Li-rich layered oxides for Li-ion batteries, Energy Environ. Sci., 2017, 10, 266-274.

34.Shan-shan Fan, Hua Zhong, Hai-tao Yu, Ming Lou,Ying Xie*, Yan-rong Zhu*, Hollow and hierarchical Na2Li2Ti6O14 microspheres with high electrochemical performance as anode material for lithium-ion battery, Sci China Mater 2017, 60(5): 427–437.

35.Bo Wang*,Ying Xie*, Tong Liu, Hao Luo, Bin Wang, Chunhui Wang, Lei Wang,Dianlong Wang, Shixue Dou, Yu Zhou, LiFePO4quantum-dots composite synthesized by a general microreactor strategy for ultra-high-rate lithium ion batteries, Nano Energy, 42 (2017) 363–372




3.非锰基富锂材料的结构设计、氧化还原机理及其储锂特性(No. 21773060),国家自然科学基金面上项目,65万,2018.01-2021.12,已结题。


5.高性能LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4基正极材料的性能调控及锂离子扩散动力学机制(No. E2016056),黑龙江省自然科学基金面上项目,6.0万元,2016.7-2019.7,主持,已结题。





10.ATiO3(A=Ba,Pb)/SrBO3(B=V,Ru)双钙钛矿超晶格的界面设计及磁电耦合性能,国家自然科学基金(No. 21301052),25万元,2014.01-2016.12,主持,已结题。

11.ABO3型双钙钛矿超晶格的界面结构、稳定性及磁电耦合作用的理论研究,教育部博士学科点专项基金(No. 20132301120001), 4万元,2014.01 -2016.12,主持,已结题。

12.Li4Ti5O12@Li3xLa2/3-xTiO3材料的结构调控、电化学性能及其储锂机制,黑龙江省博士后启动基金(LBH-Q13138), 7万元,2014.01 -2015.12,主持,已已结题。

13.贵金属簇/石墨烯复合体的结构及电催化反应机理,黑龙江省自然科学基金(No. B201003), 10万元,2011.01 - 2013.12,主持,已结题。







