1.Binbin Huang, Guoyong Yan, Guancheng Liu, Xingyu Sun, Xiaochun Wang, Yajuan Xing*,Qinggui Wang*. 2022. Effects of long-term nitrogen addition and precipitation reduction on glomalin-related soil protein and soil aggregate stability in a temperate forest.Catena(2022) 106284.
2.Guoyong Yan,Qinggui Wang*, Shijie Han, Zhongling Guo, Jinghua Yu, Wenjie Wang, Chunnan Fan, Wei Cao, Lihua Wang, Yajuan Xing, Zhi Zhang. 2022. Beneficial effects of warming on temperate tree carbon storage depend on precipitation and mycorrhizal types.Science of the Total Environment,819 (2022) 153086.
3.Shuai Jiang, Yajuan Xing, Guancheng Liu, Chunyi Hu, Xiaochun Wang, Guoyong Yan*,Qinggui Wang*. 2021. Changes in soil bacterial and fungal community composition and functional groups during the succession of boreal forests.Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 161 (2021) 108393.
4.Xin Zhang, Yajuan Xing,Qinggui Wang*, Guoyong Yan, Miao Wang, Guancheng Liu, Honglin Wang, Binbin Huang, Junhui Zhang. 2020. Effects of long-term nitrogen addition and decreased precipitation on the fine root morphology and anatomy of the main tree species in a temperate forest.Forest Ecology and Management, 455 (2020) 117664.
5.Guoyong Yan, Shijie Han, Mingxin Zhou, Wenjing Sun, Binbin Huang, Honglin Wang, Yajuan Xing*,Qinggui Wang*. 2020. Variations in the natural13C and15N abundance of plants and soils under long-term N addition and precipitation reduction: Interpretation of C and N dynamics.Forest Ecosystems, DOI: 10.1186/s40663-020-00257-w.
6.Mingxin Zhou, Guoyong Yan, Yajuan Xing, Fei Chen, Xin Zhang, Jianyu Wang, Junhui Zhang, Guanhua Dai, Xingbo Zheng, Wenjing Sun,Qinggui Wang*, Tong Liu*. 2019. Nitrogen deposition and decreased precipitation does not change total nitrogen uptake in a temperate forest.Science of the Total Environment, 651 (2019) 32-41.
7.Fei Chen, Guoyong Yan, Yajuan Xing, Junhui Zhang,Qinggui Wang*, Honglin Wang, Binbin Huang, Ziming Hong, Guanhua Dai, Xingbo Zheng, Tong Liu*. 2019. Effects of N addition and precipitation reduction on soil respiration and its components in a temperate forest.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 271 (2019) 336-345.
8.Guoyong Yan, Mingxin Zhou, Miao Wang, Shijie Han, Guancheng Liu, Xin Zhang, Wenjing Sun, Binbin Huang, Honglin Wang, Yajuan Xing*,Qinggui Wang*. 2019. Nitrogen deposition and decreased precipitation altered nutrient foraging strategies of three temperate trees by affecting root and mycorrhizal traits.Catena,2019, 181: 1-15.
9.Guoyong Yan, Yajuan Xing, Jianyu Wang, Zhenghua Li, Ligong Wang,Qinggui Wang*, Lijian Xu, Zhi Zhang, Junhui Zhang, Xiongde Dong, Wenjun Shan, Liang Guo, Shijie Han*. 2018. Sequestration of atmospheric CO2 in boreal forest carbon pools in northeastern China: Effects of nitrogen deposition.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 248 (2018) 70-81.
10.Guoyong Yan, Fei Chen, Xin Zhang, Jianyu Wang, Shijie Han, Yajuan Xing*,Qinggui Wang*. 2017. Spatial and temporal effects of nitrogen addition on root morphology and growth in a boreal forest.Geoderma, 303 (2017) 178-187.